If you are a small business owner you know how expensive it
could be to advertise your product or services using conventional methods. Although these outlets are successful
(newspapers, radio, tv, magazines, etc.) there are ways to promote your
business today that has the potential to make you a huge success, an
international success.

It will be very interesting to see the statistics in twenty
years. That may sound like a long time
but I chose that number for a reason. In
twenty years the children that are now only 5 years old will be college
graduates. The statistics for online
purchase at that point will stop changing.
It will not be comparing online to conventional purchases because it
will be fully integrated into society as something that is the norm. I bet you the number of households with
televisions grew at tremendous rates in the beginning too but now those numbers
have leveled off and you see little change between the “have” and the “have nots”,
I predict the same path for online purchasing.
Websites act as
virtual storefronts, allowing businesses to stay
open 24/7.(Lendor) You could keep track of your web visitors,
what pages they spend the most time on, or the least. Your content will stay up to date and
relevant all the time, unlike a printed ad which is out of sight the next time
a new issue comes out.
If you are not advertising your business online
yet, don’t be afraid. Research how to do
it the most effectively for your situation.
Hopefully, you will end up in a whole new tax bracket and you might even
have people around the world talking about you.
YOU could be an Overnight Sensation! Sources:
Brohan, Mark. "http://www.internetretailer.com/2012/01/31/amazon-sales-soar-profits-plunge." http://www.internetretailer.com. Internet Retailer, 31/01/2012. Web. 4 Feb 2012. <http://www.internetretailer.com/2012/01/31/amazon-sales-soar-profits-plunge>.
Lendor, Carla. "Internet Promotion - Advantages and Disadvantages." ezinearticles.com. ezinearticles.com, 23/07/2005. Web. 4 Feb 2012. <http://ezinearticles.com/?Internet-Promotion---Advantages-and-Disadvantages&id=53561>.
20 years from now, what a world it will be. You say online purchasing is going to grow at an amazing rate and i agree. 20 years--could be the end of stores. period. As our professor even stated, she was shopping and scanned an item and found it cheaper online. In 20 years we may not ever have to leave our homes at all. The conglomerate WalMart will being to lose its reign as the largest and most powerful company in that next 20 years unless it starts to compete with Amazon at a higher rate. The efficiency and expansion of technology is growing in leaps and bounds. 20 years from now will be an interesting time in comparison to today.