Can we predict the future?
Can YOU predict the future? I
think all we could do is guess, kind of like weathermen do. There are a lot of people that try to tell
what is going to happen in the upcoming year, which way trends will go, but the
truth of the matter is, we can only guess.
We can make educated guesses and sound like we know what we are talking
about. We could look at what has
happened in the last few months and form an opinion but there are no experts. Some people talk a good talk but experts they
are not.
I have a lot of respect for people that use the terminology “likely
to expect” in their futuristic outlook of advertising. I came across a write up that looked at seven
“trends” to look for in 2012. Seven Trends In Advertising for 2012 It was
well written and I wanted to share some of the highlights from the
article. I saw the words “likely to
expect” and I was hooked so I kept reading.
Small businesses will need to be quick about how their
service or product is perceived because of the lightning fast results that
social networking has had on spreading news, good or bad. Not only are companies listening to what
their customers are saying but they are changing their products because of this
Doesn’t it seem like as we get more technologically advanced;
we seem to take a thousand steps back.
What I mean is, way, way back in time politicians listened to the people
they served, companies went door to door selling their products and everything
was more personal and smaller, not huge and full of corporate greed. With the emergence of social media it seems
to have put the power back into the hands of the consumers. We now have the power to make or break a
company because of our connected reach.
The article talked about the importance of the “like”
buttons and how many Smartphone users we see shopping with their handheld
devices. We will see services like
Groupon increase and using social sites for advertising.
I am ready to tackle
this brave new world; I read everything I could get my hands on and hope that I
could make a difference, somehow. I
wouldn’t invest too much time trying to predict what the next big thing is, I
would step back and take it all in. If
you focus on one trend too heavily you may find yourself stuck with a room full
of VCR’s and no one to buy them. Keep
your ears and eyes open and please, do me a big favor…let me know what you
hear. "Advertising Trends - 7 Trends In Advertisin for 2012." Small Business Adveretising Stratagies. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb 2012. <>.
This will be true... until the next game-changing technology comes along and shakes up the Internet!! It's so important for businesses (and politicians, for that matter!) to realize that all this new technology is, as you said, putting the power back to the consumers. Hopefully, that just keeps increasing as time goes on, and businesses learn how to successfully interact with their customers and provide better customer service through the Internet.
ReplyDeleteThe part in this post that really hit home is how fast news travels through social networking. I mean take for instance when Whitney Houston passed away a few days ago (RIP). It was out on Twitter before the news even had it. So if you're in a small business and slightest hint of information leaks that is detrimental to your company, you can be in bad shape. Every move needs a reason and it has to be the right one. One false step and you could be ruined.